(R)E-Commerce Crates

A special sealable lid can transform any type of crate in the ideal e-commerce packaging

The beer industry in Europe continues to grow. One of the key drivers in the increased competition has been the internet and online sales. Beverage crates are the ideal tool for save transport of reusable glass bottles. DW Reusables designed the perfect solution to adapt beverage crates for e-commerce purposes. A sealable lid that can fit any type of crate.

Five Reasons Breweries love (R)E-commerce Beverage Crates.

  • Compatible with existing logistics
  • Minimum investments
  • Save transport
  • No damage in a wet environment
  • Massive waste reduction

Five Reasons Marketing Departments love (R)E-commerce Beverage Crates.

  • Fastest, easiest route to online sales
  • Special app increases customer experience and sales
  • Maximum exposure of the brand
  • Response to digital disruption
  • Reducing waste is the new trend

Five Reasons Consumers love (R)E-commerce Beverage Crates.

  • Saves time
  • Ability to shop 24/7
  • Convenient purchasing with a smartphone or PC
  • The packaging is easy to open and easy to return
  • Eliminates one-way wrapping packaging entirely

Does it work for my Beverage Crates?

The sealable lid is compatible with any type of crate

How does this work?

The costumer makes an online order of a whole crate of his favourite beer, or a selection of different beers. The crate is shipped and delivered at the customers’ door. After consumption, the customer can drop the crate any time in a supermarket or a reverse vending machine.

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