DW Reusables Designs a Single Multi-size Reusable Beverage Crate for Grolsch Made From Recycled Plastics

28 september 2017

Grolsch, an international brewery, believes that running a sustainable business is incredibly important and therefore wanted to contribute towards minimizing the impact of their processes on the environment. DW Reusables was able to capitalize on Grolsch’s packaging, logistics, and sustainability requirements with a reusable beverage crate, made from recycled plastics.

The challenge
Grolsch beer is sold in packs of 2, 6 and 12 bottles. Some supermarkets didn’t have enough empty crates to store the bottles that were returned, especially at peak times. Grolsch needed a solution in which the various packs (2-packs, 3-packs, 6-packs, 12-packs and loose bottles) could be stored in a single crate model.
Our approach
DW Reusables, Injection Moulded Products developed a reusable beverage crate made from post-consumer materials. The crate meets all rigidity specifications to ensure durability and robustness. The pinnacles inside the crate make it perfect for transporting packs of 2, 6, and 12 bottles, as well as loose bottles.
The results
Grolsch saves on one-way packaging and the number of trips that have to be made to the supermarkets. The reusable beverage crates are made from recycled plastics which allows for significant savings on diesel, packaging and CO2 emissions. "This crate is the perfect solution. Only loose bottles and 6-packs could fit into the crates before. Now, we’ve got flexibility. Plus, the crates are made from recycled plastics, and now, since we’ve replaced the outer packaging with crates, we have significantly reduced our annual amount of waste. Sustainable sustainability is our challenge. This means outside of our own brewery as well. Sustainable, responsible entrepreneurship influences our choice of supplier. DW Reusables was the perfect partner for us." — Andrei Haret, Managing Director, Koninklijke Grolsch
This crate is the perfect solution. Only loose bottles and 6-packs could fit into the crates before. Now, we’ve got flexibility. Plus, the crates are made from recycled plastics, and now, since we’ve replaced the outer packaging with crates, we have significantly reduced our annual amount of waste. Sustainable sustainability is our challenge. This means outside of our own brewery as well. Sustainable, responsible entrepreneurship influences our choice of supplier. DW Reusables was the perfect partner for us.
— Andrei Haret, Managing Director, Koninklijke Grolsch
About Grolsch

Koninklijke Grolsch N.V. is an international company with its roots going back to 1615. This makes Grolsch one of the oldest and most successful breweries in the Netherlands. Grolsch is active on the Dutch beverage market as well as quite a few international beverage markets. In February 2008, Grolsch was taken over by SABMiller (South Africa). And then SABMiller was taken over by AB InBev in October 2016. A part of this takeover included the sale of Grolsch, Peroni, and Meantime to the Japanese Asahi Group.

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